概述 最后更新时间: 2021年11月04日
高德地图iOS SDK简介
高德开放平台目前开放了 iOS 地图 SDK 以及 iOS 地图 SDK 专业版两套地图SDK工具。
高德地图 iOS SDK 是一套基于 iOS 8.0 及以上版本的地图应用程序开发接口,供开发者在自己的iOS应用中加入地图相关的功能,包括:地图显示(含室内、室外地图)、与地图交互、在地图上绘制、兴趣点搜索、地理编码、离线地图等功能。
高德地图 iOS SDK 专业版是在 iOS SDK 已有服务的基础上,新增支持了自定义地图在线加载、自定义地图元素纹理等功能,便于开发者完成基于自身场景的更深层、更个性化地图的开发需求。
- 展示地图
/*创建地图并添加到父view上*/ self.mapView = [[MAMapView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds]; self.mapView.delegate = self; [self.view addSubview:self.mapView];
- Marker
/*添加annotation*/ self.annotations = [NSMutableArray array]; CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[10] = { {39.992520, 116.336170}, {39.992520, 116.336170}, {39.998293, 116.352343}, {40.004087, 116.348904}, {40.001442, 116.353915}, {39.989105, 116.353915}, {39.989098, 116.360200}, {39.998439, 116.360201}, {39.979590, 116.324219}, {39.978234, 116.352792}}; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { MAPointAnnotation *a1 = [[MAPointAnnotation alloc] init]; a1.coordinate = coordinates[i]; a1.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"anno: %d", i]; [self.annotations addObject:a1]; } - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; [self.mapView addAnnotations:self.annotations]; [self.mapView showAnnotations:self.annotations edgePadding:UIEdgeInsetsMake(20, 20, 20, 80) animated:YES]; } /* 实现代理方法:*/ - (MAAnnotationView *)mapView:(MAMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id<MAAnnotation>)annotation { if ([annotation isKindOfClass:[MAPointAnnotation class]]) { static NSString *pointReuseIndetifier = @"pointReuseIndetifier"; MAPinAnnotationView *annotationView = (MAPinAnnotationView*)[mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:pointReuseIndetifier]; if (annotationView == nil) { annotationView = [[MAPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:pointReuseIndetifier]; } annotationView.canShowCallout = YES; annotationView.animatesDrop = YES; annotationView.draggable = YES; annotationView.rightCalloutAccessoryView = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure]; annotationView.pinColor = [self.annotations indexOfObject:annotation] % 3; return annotationView; } return nil; }
- 驾车路线规划
AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest *navi = [[AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; navi.requireExtension = YES; navi.strategy = 5; /* 出发点. */ navi.origin=[AMapGeoPoint locationWithLatitude:self.startCoordinate.latitude longitude:self.startCoordinate.longitude]; /* 目的地. */ navi.destination = [AMapGeoPoint locationWithLatitude:self.destinationCoordinate.latitude longitude:self.destinationCoordinate.longitude]; [self.search AMapDrivingRouteSearch:navi];
- 搜索POI
/* 根据ID来搜索POI. */ - (void)searchPoiByID { AMapPOIIDSearchRequest *request = [[AMapPOIIDSearchRequest alloc] init]; request.uid = @"B000A7ZQYC"; request.requireExtension = YES; [self.search AMapPOIIDSearch:request]; } /* 根据关键字来搜索POI. */ - (void)searchPoiByKeyword { AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest *request = [[AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest alloc] init]; request.keywords = @"北京大学"; request.city = @"北京"; request.types = @"高等院校"; request.requireExtension = YES; /* 搜索服务 3.2.0 中新增加的功能,只搜索本城市的POI。*/ request.cityLimit = YES; request.requireSubPOIs = YES; [self.search AMapPOIKeywordsSearch:request]; }
- 自定义OpenGL渲染
/* 计算经纬度坐标对应的OpenGL坐标,每次地图坐标系有变化均会调用这个方法。 */ - (void)referenceDidChange { [super referenceDidChange]; //根据z=0平面的尺寸计算新的参考坐标系距离单位 CGPoint * bottomGlPts = [self glPointsForMapPoints:_bottomMapPts count:2]; _cubePointCount = totalVertexCount; CGFloat sideLenOnGL = [self lengthBetweenPointA:bottomGlPts[0] andPointB:bottomGlPts[1]]; float w = sideLenOnGL * 0.5f; _move = Vertex(w,0,0); /*计算模型中心的GL坐标。*/ MAMapPoint center = MAMapPointForCoordinate(self.overlay.coordinate); CGPoint centerGL = [self glPointForMapPoint:center]; _cubeCenterGL = Vertex(centerGL.x, centerGL.y, w); /* 创建vertex。 */ _cubePoints[0] = Vertex(-w, -w, -w); _cubePoints[1] = Vertex(-w, -w, w); _cubePoints[2] = Vertex(w, -w, -w); _cubePoints[3] = Vertex(w, -w, w); _cubePoints[4] = Vertex(w, w, -w); _cubePoints[5] = Vertex(w, w, w); _cubePoints[6] = Vertex(-w, w, -w); _cubePoints[7] = Vertex(-w, w, w); free(bottomGlPts); /* 创建index。 */ const GLuint indexCountOnSideFace = 24; //4个侧面 for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < _cubePointCount && j < indexCountOnSideFace; i = i + 2) { _cubeIndices[j++] = i; _cubeIndices[j++] = i+1; _cubeIndices[j++] = (i+2)%_cubePointCount; _cubeIndices[j++] = i+1; _cubeIndices[j++] = (i+3)%_cubePointCount; _cubeIndices[j++] = (i+2)%_cubePointCount; } //顶面和底面 for (int i = 0, j = indexCountOnSideFace; i < 2 && j < indexCount; i++) { _cubeIndices[j++] = i; _cubeIndices[j++] = i + 2; _cubeIndices[j++] = i + 4; _cubeIndices[j++] = i; _cubeIndices[j++] = i + 4; _cubeIndices[j++] = i + 6; } } /* OpenGL绘制。 */ - (void)glRender { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); //进行位移 glPushMatrix(); const float speed = 0.1; static float i = 0; glTranslatef(_cubeCenterGL.x + _move.x * i, _cubeCenterGL.y + _move.y * i, _cubeCenterGL.z + _move.z * i); float forward = speed; if (i > 6) { forward = -speed; }else if(i < -6) { forward = speed; } i = i + forward; glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, _cubePoints); const GLuint faceCount = 6; const GLuint indexCountPerFace = 6; GLfloat r,b,g; for(int i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) { r = 0.5 + 0.5 * (i&1); g = 0.5 + 0.5 * (i&2); b = 0.5 + 0.5 * (i&4); glColor4f(r, g, b, 0.5); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, indexCountPerFace, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &_cubeIndices[i*indexCountPerFace]); } glPopMatrix(); //结束位移 glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); }
- 离线地图
[[MAOfflineMap sharedOfflineMap] downloadItem:item shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground:YES downloadBlock:^(MAOfflineItem * downloadItem, MAOfflineMapDownloadStatus downloadStatus, id info) { if (![self.downloadingItems containsObject:downloadItem]) { [self.downloadingItems addObject:downloadItem]; [self.downloadStages setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] forKey:downloadItem.adcode]; } /* Manipulations to your application’s user interface must occur on the main thread. */ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSMutableDictionary *stage = [self.downloadStages objectForKey:downloadItem.adcode]; if (downloadStatus == MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusWaiting) { [stage setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:DownloadStageIsRunningKey2]; } else if(downloadStatus == MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusProgress) { [stage setObject:info forKey:DownloadStageInfoKey2]; } else if(downloadStatus == MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusCancelled || downloadStatus == MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusError || downloadStatus == MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusFinished) { [stage setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:DownloadStageIsRunningKey2]; // clear [self.downloadingItems removeObject:downloadItem]; [self.downloadStages removeObjectForKey:downloadItem.adcode]; } [stage setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:downloadStatus] forKey:DownloadStageStatusKey2]; /* Update UI. */ //更新触发下载操作的item涉及到的UI [self updateUIForItem:item atIndexPath:indexPath]; if (downloadStatus == MAOfflineMapDownloadStatusFinished) { self.needReloadWhenDisappear = YES; } }); }];
高德地图iOS 地图 SDK 4.4.0以下版本支持iOS 6.0及以上系统;
高德地图iOS 地图 SDK 4.4.0及以上版本支持 iOS 7.0及以上系统;
高德地图iOS 地图 SDK 6.7.0及以上版本支持 iOS 8.0及以上系统。
(1)对于高德开放平台提供的地图API/SDK,若您以非商业目的使用,则均可免费使用 。若您以商业目的使用,则您需事先从高德获取商用授权。您需要先申请Key,才能使用该服务。关于具体使用规则,请参阅《高德地图开放平台服务协议》获得详细信息。
(2)iOS V2.0.6.1(含)之前版本的SDK搜索服务将于2015年2月底停止使用,涉及到POI查询、地理编码、逆地理编码、路径规划、公交查询。如您已采用旧版iOS SDK进行开发,建议您采用最新版本的 iOS SDK进行开发,请参阅升级方案。
(3)iOS SDK V2.4.0(含)之后版本适配了arm 64架构,免除您的app提交到app store的后顾之忧。